Home Inspection Tips & Advice

Home Inspection Tips & Advice

Why do home inspectors take pictures?

Home inspectors take pictures when they spot problems during a home inspection. Photos play an important role in documenting areas for repairs, finding solutions, and ensuring a task is completed. Inspectors can also use thermal imaging equipment to record the condition of a home’s electrical system, ventilation, and insulation.

If you notice your home inspector taking photos, don’t worry. Images are also used to document the current condition of a home, not just the defects. Taking pictures is a normal part of the home inspection process and doesn’t always indicate a red flag.

What is considered a failed home inspection?

A failed home inspection contains a list of lengthy and expensive repairs that can make a buyer reconsider purchasing a home. These include structural issues like cracks in the walls and foundation, poor drainage, bad soil, and other dangerous conditions in a home.

Many buyers may be surprised to find that even new homes can fail a home inspection. But it’s common to find minor issues with any home, and it’s expected. Identifying problem areas and documenting the condition of a home protects both the buyer and seller. More minor defects that can easily be repaired with minimal time and resources shouldn’t be considered a failed home inspection.

How do you beat a home inspection?

As a seller, the home inspection process can feel a little nerve-racking. Even when the defects identified in an inspection are small and relatively easy to fix, it can be enough to scare away many potential buyers. But that doesn’t mean sellers can’t beat a home inspection.

Before the buyer requests a home inspector, you can proactively repair the most common problems found in home inspections. Make sure your home’s HVAC system is up to date on servicing and inspections, check windows and seals for insulation, and make sure the home’s smoke detectors comply with local code.

What should you ask the seller to fix after an inspection?

It’s normal for home inspectors to identify minor defects in a home. But what should you do when your inspector finds more significant problems? This is the step where the buyer and seller can negotiate on what to fix after an inspection.

Share the report with your real estate agent and ask them for advice on what repairs to ask for and what concessions to make. It’s ok to have deal-breakers, but you should prioritize more significant problems when negotiating with a seller. As long as your requests are reasonable, a seller can decide to lower the price or pay for repairs to close the deal.

Why do home buyers get cold feet?

Buying a home is no small decision. It’s normal for homebuyers to get cold feet and begin doubting their commitment to purchasing a home, especially after a home inspection. Here are some common reasons a buyer can get cold feet before committing to a purchase.

  • Inspection finds major problems
  • Repairs make buyers reconsider the price
  • Non-related financial issues
  • Unhappy with post-inspection negotiations
  • Home isn’t up to code

As a seller, you can evaluate the contents of the inspector’s report to deal with the common pain points that can scare a potential buyer away. If you proactively tackle these problems before an inspection, your potential buyer will have more confidence committing to your home.

When can I walk away from a home inspection?

Most contracts allow buyers to walk away after a home inspection when significant problems are found. You should check your contract to ensure it has an inspection contingency and that you are within the timeframe for backing out as listed in the contract.

If these conditions are met, potential buyers can walk away without losing anything. That means earnest deposits can still be refunded, and the buyer has the freedom to choose between negotiating repairs and walking away from a deal.

Are Foundation issues a deal-breaker?

If a home checks all the boxes for location, price, size, and appearance, foundation issues don’t have to be a deal-breaker. When your home inspector reports foundation issues, they can offer estimates of what it will take to repair the damage and correct the home’s structural integrity.

Most foundation issues can be repaired with a warranty against future shifting or damage. However, repairs to a damaged foundation can also be expensive and time-consuming, so you should consult your real estate agent for advice on how to proceed if your inspector finds foundation issues.