What Is Included In A Typical Home Inspection?

What Is Included In A Typical Home Inspection?

Home inspections are the first line of defense against any future repairs or financial disasters when buying a home. A typical home inspection covers all your bases, looking at the building structure, HVAC system, electrical system, foundation, and much more.

Common areas for inspection include:

  • Foundations, basement, and crawl space
  • Building structure
  • Heating and cooling systems
  • Electrical plumbing and appliances in the house
  • Attic and insulation
  • Flashing, roofing, gutters, and exterior
  • Fireplace
  • Shutoff valves

Included in your home inspection is a report that details areas of concern, the potential for damage, maintenance, and the likely repairs you will need to make in the future. Your inspector will also notify you of any safety concerns present in and around the home, highlighting fire hazards, electrical issues, mold, and problems with ventilation. 

This report will serve as an important guide when you’re planning to sell or purchase a home. Keep in mind that a 100% problem-free report is rare, and any problems you find should be weighed with the value of your home and the repairs you are willing to make.