How do you check for mold in a house inspection?

How do you check for mold in a house inspection?

Whether you’re purchasing a home or wondering about the one you’re living in, homeowners must understand how to check for mold. When mold is allowed to grow, it can cause serious

 health issues for occupants in the home. It is linked to lung disease, allergies, and even infections.

Without the help of an expert, you cannot definitively check for mold in your home. Mold can hide in hard-to-see areas in crawls, behind walls, and ventilation ducts. But you can start by checking the most common places where mold is found.

Common areas with mold:

  •  Bathtub and shower area
  • Under the sink
  • Carpet and rugs
  • Refrigerator
  • Pantry
  • Mattress
  • Windows
  • Vents

If you spot mold in any of these areas, it is a likely indicator of a much larger mold problem hidden deeper in your home. Please remember that it is vital to rely on professional home inspectors to ensure no mold is present in your home. Even if you don’t see mold in any of the areas listed above, there may still be mold hidden elsewhere.